Peter’s Current Web Designs

Kinlochlovin’ (2016)

Kinlochlovin’ Home Page Kinlochlovin’ Scents Page

Started late April 2016 for our school’s Kinlochlovin’ social enterprise group/charity and (at the time of writing a long fortnight later) progressing quickly with mainly the ‘Activities’ section, start of real staff/pupil blogging (as opposed to my testing) and initial shop stocking/configuration to get done (along with some textual/interlinking refinements to existing pages) to reach the point where it can be largely managed/maintained by other staff/pupil contributors as a site with regular new content. Like my revised Music Dept site, it’s built in WordPress with some completely hand-coded pages (now gone) and themed for logo colours, but also exciting for being the first time I’ve done a web shop (now closed as sales all moved to Etsy) as well as some fun playing with media queries to enhance an already responsive presentation. (2000)

petestack Home Page petestack Climbing

Despite being my oldest design, it’s still ‘current’ in the sense that it’s still here, being updated (the blog regularly and other bits occasionally) and you’re looking at it. And, while it’s still recognisably the same site, appearances can be deceptive and it’s actually changed more than you might think ‘under the hood’ as it’s got bigger and I’ve got better!

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